Did you know that half-moon kitchen accessories not only save you space but they’re actually easy to install? You will not be disappointed with the durable pivot and pull hardware. The most commonly purchased kitchen accessory that we have in-store is the Lazy Susan. A lazy Susan is a round tray that rotates and is meant to sit on a countertop or table and allow multiple diners to access food, condiments and relishes without having to pass them around.

A Storage and Sharing Solution

Everyone loves Lazy Susan’s because it becomes a brilliant storage solution that makes everything from ketchup bottles to cotton swabs easier to reach. Lazy Susan’s are available in just about any material: wood, bamboo, glass, or acrylic. You can spin the concept a multitude of ways in just about every room.

Lazy Susan accessory

Where Did The Name Originate?

The Smithsonian notes a revolving table, which later evolved into what we know as the lazy Susan, was first used in 13th century China. It gained popularity over centuries and found its way into Chinese restaurants as a “hygienic dining tray” in the 1960s. Regardless of the mysteries surrounding its invention and identity, the lazy Susan is a nifty appliance for overflowing dinner tables and overstuffed cabinets.